
This is SKYRACK 70, edited and published by Ron Bennett, Kt St F, Dip.B.Ed., 52 Fairways Drive, Forest Lane, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. 6d per copy 6 issues for 2/6d. 6 issues for 35¢ in USA; (for 6 issues sent airmail 70¢) where subscriptions may be paid to Rbt Coulson, RR 3, Wabash, Indiana 46992. News of interest to sf fans welcome. Cartoon and heading by LiGs answer to Eddie Jones, Eddie Jones. Contributions from Bill Donaho, Harry Nadler, Keith Freeman, Ethel Lindsay, Burkhard Bluem, John Martin Baxter, Alan Dodd,  John Roles, Stan Nuttall, Buck Coulson and Harry Harrison.

17th Sept.1964


THE 22ND WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION – the PacifiCon II took place in Oakland, Califfornia, last weekend 4th/7th Sept.

The Hugos, decided by a 274 ballot, were awarded a follows: -
Best Novel.WAY STATION by Clifford D.Simak (Published by Doubleday Book Club, and in Galaxy Jun-Aug ‘63 as Here Gather the Stars.)
Best Short Fiction. Poul Anderson’s NO TRUCE WITH KINGS F&SF June 1963)
Best Profesional Magazine. ANALOG.
Best Professional Artist. Ed Emshwiller
Best SF Book Publisher. Ace Books.
Best Amateur magazine. George Scithers’AMRA.
No award was made for a dramatic presentation.


Britain’s 1964 TAFF delegate, London artist Arthur “Atom” Thomson, flew out to New York Sat 22nd August to be met by a group of NY fans carrying placards reading “Welcome Phil Rogers.” Arthur took a bus to Cleveland, then being driven by that Good Man Nick Falasca to Los Angeles, via Wabash for a Sunday meeting with the Coulsons, and Bloomington Illinois in order to visit the Sage, Bob Tucker. In Los Angeles Arthur has been partied, has met the LASFS and has visited Disneyland, which is understood to have been renamed as a result of the visit. At the time of writing Arthur should be in Seattle with the Busbys, from whence he’ll be travelling back to New York to take in the World’s Fair.

LONDON IN ‘65. We made it! At the PacifiCon attendees voted that the 1965 World Convention will be held in London. The date to jot down on the bedroom ceiling is August bank holiday. Watch this space for further announcements. As you’ll note from the dateline and the reference to “last weekend’ up there, something went wrong with Skyrack’s hitherto infallible system. This issue should have reached you last week. A prepaid cable, giving details of the London bid, did not arrive. It is a proud and lonely thing to be a newszine editor.

MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE RANCH. Home-type news and congratulations to NEW WORLDS editor Mike Moorcock and his wife Hilary on the arrival of their 2nd daughter.

POSTAL AUCTION. Each individual item hereunder to be treated as a single lot. No reserve prices. Best bid by 1st November takes (unlees there are last minute fights over any item). 50% to TAFF in all instances;
Aphorreta 1, Astroneer 1, Bastion 2, Bem 4, Eye 3 (160pp Ed. E.C.Tubb, Clarke’s Fanderella), Hyphen 23, 32, 33, 34, 35; Orion 25, 27, 28, 29, Retribution 16, Rot 5, Satellite 6, SFCoL 1960 Combozine, Smoke 2, Vector 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, Bane 4, 5, 8, Cry 149, 151, 155, l56, 157, 158, 159, 160, 168, l69, Double Bill 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Fanac 50, 69, JD-A 58, 59,.New Frontiers l, Outre 4, Panic Button 11, 13, Shaggy 46, 55, 57, 58, 59, 50, 77, Sigbo 5, 6, Void 25, 26, Warhoon 12, 13, 17, 18, 19,Yandro 77, 130, 13l,l32, 133, 134, 135, l36. OMPA Mailings 27, 28 (Lacking “Why Is A Fan”), 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. FAPA Mailings 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107.

MANY THANKS, all those kind and gracious fans who wrote us about Andrew’s appearance. Archie suggested that we should have called him Ploy 15, and said it was a great pity Andrew couldn’t have been born in Marquartstein - “just imagine him growing up knowing that he’ll never be able to play cricket for Bavaria.” Harry Harrison suggested that when he grows up he becomes an sf editor, so that he’ll be able to lord it over fans and pros alike, Phil Harbottle suggested that Andrew writes a book review column for Skyrack “You can give him the new Badger releases. I can just see it. Reverse Planet From Out of Void by R.L.Fanthorpe, “Shatzzfloopp’, 'Robots of Pluto’ by J.E.Muller, “Urghhraspp”, and Keith Freeman suggested that I sue Starspinkle for miss-representation.

PROMISING to come and see us sometime, Archie Mercer, recently returned from the CastleCon wrote, "Well, I’ve never lost a kid in my beard yet.(The Shorrocks kept having to call the muster, mind.) (The mustermind couldn’t come - he was still in Barcelona),” but meanwhile we have seen our first fannish visitor when on the 25th August Charles Platt dropped in on his way to Liverpool and eventually Bristol (which he never reached). We let him hold Andrew, sold him a pile of crud zines at high prices, taught him how to play brag (so that’s why he didn’t reach Bristol) and introduced him to Colin Freeman. Naturally, we had to send a card to British Fandom’s Post Card King, Archie, inscribed “Twish you were here.”

THE LIVERPOOL GROUP made a second invasion of Salford on 30th August in a further attempt to sabotage the Delta Film Group’s epic Castle of Terrors (or Frankenstein v The Peasants). Armed to the teeth with ex-CastleCon weapons were Ina & Norman Shorrock, Eddie Jones, John Roles, Stan & Auntie Marge Nuttall, John Ramsey Campbell, John Humphries, Norman Weedall and referee Eric Bentcliffe who saw the boarders repelled by Harry Nadler, Chuck Partington, Tony Edwards, Tom Holt, Peter Day, Dave Trengrove, Colin Britch, Bill Burns, Joyce Tarrant and Marjorie Williams, all of whom waved ”Ban Quote Card” banners in memory of LiG’s previous visit. With John Roles’ false beard catching alight during filming, the epic looks like being released at next year’s worldcon in a blaze of glory. -- (HN).

TAFF. Voting forms should be going out with this issue of Sky. There are three candidates for the ‘65 trip over here, Terry Carr, Bill Donaho and Jock Root. A good slate. In order to avoid confusion as the voting period will be in full swing when Atom returns from the USA, the British TAFF Administrator throughout the present campaign will be Ethel Lindsay. British treasury now stands at £23 16 6d (ha to you, Norman Shorrock), with recent donations from Terry Jeeves (10/-), Peterborough Convention £20 l8s, Rolf Gindorf 8/-, SCFoI, £1 and LiG Quote-cards 6/6d., £120 having been paid on Arthur’s return ticket.

THE MOST NOBLE & ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF ST FANTONY is most definitely being revived, said revival being in the noble and illustrious hands of Keith Freeman, Kt.St.F., 1a Hamlyn Ave., Anlaby Rd., Hull. Twenty five knights and ladies will be adding to the ranks of fandom’s most colourful body at next year's Worldcon.

SCOTTISHE 36 (Undated - Ethel Lindsay, Courage House, 6 Langley Ave., Surbiton, Surrey. l./9d or 25cents, 5 for 7/- or $1) A slim Scottishe, but an issue which is still packed with fannish quality, with Atom illos, interesting letters, Walt Willis remembering 1952-54 fandom and Brian Varley writes brilliantly on the latest game-craze to sweep British fandom.

HYDRA 3 (Sept 64;Dr. Peter Campbell, Birkdale Cottage, Brantfell, Windermere, Westmorland. 5/- per yr) Hydra seems to be developing into another East & West (which was not totally to my taste) but possessing a definite sf and fan foundation.

ZENITH 6 (Sept 64; Peter Weston, 9 Porbock Crescent, Birmingham 31;1/6 or 20cents, 5 for $1. ) Editor Weston is certainly trying hard to present a balance of material for the fans and the sf enthusiasts and he is succeeding, managing in addition to produce some worthwhile and readable items. This issue is largely reprint, little known work by Poul Anderson, Fritz Leiber and Arthur C. Clarke, and there are not many fanzines which can boast such a line-up. In addition Walt Willis (ah, these new wave fans) climbs aboard the band wagon,with his well-known Fanorama column which is continued from another, now- defunct fanzine (new readers begin here: that was NEBULA. Now read on..). Colin Kapp is discussed in detail by Ed James and Terry Pratchett, Roger Peyton looks at Penguin Books and there are letters, etc etc. Earlier this year I mentioned that Zenith reminded me greatly of the early issues of Space Diversions, a viewpoint which still holds good.

BEYOND 6 (July 64; Charles Platt, new address noted overleaf; l/6) Whilst I have been expressly asked not to review this zine if I cannot afford or accord it more than two or three lines, I have to mention Archie Mercer’s excellent article which is recommended reading for any neo-fan (and a few non-neo-fen, also).

For Ivor Latto and one or two other fans, the following zines have reached me over the past two or three months and deserve at least a mention:

SHANGRI-L’AFFAIRES 68 & 69 (official organ of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, edited by Redd Boggs, PO Box 57242, LA. ,Calif 90057) Recommended reading about and by Poul Anderson, Fritz Leiber, Bill Rotsler, Ron Ellik, John Baxter, Al Lewis, August Derleth, Bjo Trimble etc. (7/- for 5 from Archie Mercer, 70 Worrall Road,Bristol 8) ::: SOL 39 (July 64, Tom Schlueck, 3 Hannover,Altenbekener Damm 10, W,Germany) English edition, fannish flavoured with a good article on Europa. ::: STEFANTASY (Mar 64;Bill Danner, RD 1, Kennerdell, Pa 16043) Published for the hell of it, up to 120 pages, 8167% milder, and featuring Colin Freeman. If you want a fanzine that is refreshingly different, this is it :::: SWEFANAC 2 & 3, the news in English and Swedish, from “Carl Brandon,” Sallskapsvagen 7, Stockholrn 48 ::: SATURA 8 (John Foyster, PO Box 57, Drouin, Australia) Slim but regular commentzine. :::: I PALANTIR 3 (Official organ of the Fellowship of the Ring; 25/ or 1/9 from Bruce Pelz, Box 100, 308 Westwood Plaza, LA, Calif 90024, or Ken Cheslin, 18 New Farm Rd., Stourbridge, Worcs).:::: YANDRO 137 (Rbt & Juanita Coulson, address front page this Skyrack. 30/ per or 12 for $2.50. 1/3 per or 12 for 12/- from Alan Dodd, 77 Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon, Herts) Excellent advice to the neo-writer by F&SF Assistant Editor Ted White, and other worthwhile reading. ::: GEMZINE 4/40 (G.M.Carr, 5319 Ballard NJ, Seattle, Washington 98l07) Comments and opinions from an individualistic mind. ::: ZINGARO l (Mark Irwin, 1747 Elmwood Drive, Highland Park, Illinois 60035) ::: THE ROMANN 2 (Richard Mann, Bryan Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, from 26th Sept)

John Martin Baxter, Box No.39, Clarence Street Post Office, Sydnéy, N.S.W., Australia.
Burkhard Blum, 6 F-Niederrad, Melibocusstr 29, Germany.
Len Moffatt,5804 East Gage Ave (Apt 5), Bell Gardens, Calif.,USA.
Charles Platt, 18E Fitzjohns Avenue, London NW 3.

SNIPPETS: One-time Vice President of the SFCDeutschland, Heinz Bingenheimer, died 17th August, aged 40. Bingenheimer was well-known in Gerfan circles for his translations and his founding of the Transgalaxis Book Club. / Also reported is the equally sudden death of old-time Australian fan, Vol Molesworth, on 15th July, aged 39 .::: Just in from Chris Priest, “Cornerways”, Willow Close, Doddinghurst, Brentwood, Essex, is CON 1, a new fanzine which features its own printed book matches. And just in from Ethel Lindsay (address in the fanzine reviews) is HAVERINGS 16, the fanzine reviewzine. 1/6 or 50cents for 2 issues. ::: Get well, schnell, Eric Jones, recently in hospital for a varicose vein operation. Undoubtedly he wwould appreciate (and might even answer!) letters. That’s 44 Barbridge Rd., Hester’s Way, Cheltenham, Glos. :::: Donald Swann, of Swann & Flanders, has written opera around C.S.Lewis’ Perelandra ::: J.B.Priestley is working on an sf play, The Astronauts, in collaboration with Fred Hoyle ::: Hoyle has a new sf book, Fifth Planet out this month, written in collaboration with his son Geoffrey ::: And Kingsley Amis’ son, Martin, is to appear in the film of Richard Hughes’ High Wind in Jamaica. ::: 4 major TV companies in the USA are making major productions from horror series.The Munsters will feature both Frankenstein and Dracula, Bewitched will feature Elizabeth Montgomery as a bewitched housewife, Julie Newmar will play a robot in The Living Doll (shades of Pat Roc in the Perfect Woman!) and The Addams Family, based on the famous cartoon series, will feature Carolyn Jones ::: LiG, eight years at their Bold Street Clubroom, have finally run into landlord trouble. He probably found John Campbell walled up in the Potrzebie. Anyway, he has suddenly doubled the rent. ::: Harry Harrison recently visited Brian Aldiss in Makarska, Jugoslavia, and reports that SF Horizons is at last on sale. As is Aldiss’ Yet More Penguin SF ::: Deathworld soon to published in Japanese ::: A reporter named Jerry deMuth is understood to have been injured in a recent Alabama race riot. George Nims Raybin reported to be travelling to South with group of New York lawyers to set as defence counsel for integrationists. :::: This issue dedicated to Jill Adams, Ted Forsyth, Archie Mercer and other slate blue fans.